openIMIS Documentation

This repository contains the user documentation of openIMIS, please refer to the openIMIS Wiki for further documentation like installation guides, functional specification and import tools templates.


The ReStructured format is used to document openIMIS, follow instructions here to contribute to this existing documentation.

The ReadTheDocs documentation will be generated upon commit to the master branch.

Build locally

sphinx-autobuild . _build/html --port 5000
pip install -U sphinx
pip install -U sphinx-rtd-theme

PDF and HTML code can be generated locally by running those commands

  • for PDF

first generate the LATEX file(s)

sphinx-build -b latex .\ .\_build\latex\

Then use your favorite latex tool to generate the PDF


pdflatex.exe .\_build\latex\openIMIS.tex

Generate HTML pages

sphinx-build -b html .\ .\_build\html\


./make gettext

Drag and drop the files and folders from _build/gettext to lokalise project openIMIS doc

Do the translations

Last updated

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